Welcome to Tikunim Counseling Services, PLLC

Keeping Our Community Healthy, Safe, and Accountable



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Tikunim Counseling Services, PLLC (TCS) offers comprehensive and specialized therapeutic services for a wide range of mental health and spiritual issues. We believe that individuals, families, and communities are constantly creating, restructuring, and adapting to the environment as the environment is affecting them. We focus on the inter-relational transactions between systems, and stress that all existing elements within an ecosystem play an equal role in maintaining balance of the whole. As such, issues that people are going through can be best understood as looking at individuals, families, communities, and policies and to identify and intervene upon strengths and weaknesses in the transactional processes between these systems.

Our practice specializes in the evaluation and treatment of a wide range of trauma-based and sexual issues, and the mental health, spiritual, familial, and communal impact of these issues. Specifically, TCS has a proven track record in positively impacting individuals with confusion regarding sexual development, childhood trauma, issues with sexual attraction, various physio-sexual disorders, such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, sexual abuse, and sexual boundary violations.

Our practice is dedicated to the comprehensive assessment and treatment of childhood trauma and sexual abuse. We are trained in the sensitivities of discussing these issues across the developmental and cultural spectrum. We are trained in the proper assessment of the multi-layered impact of sexual abuse on the presenting client. We are trained in the use of several modalities that have shown scientific and experiential success in the resolution of sexual trauma. We are trained to help you or a loved one feel whole again.

TCS further specializes in the proper assessment, treatment, and management of individuals who have sexually offended. We offer state of the art evaluation tools that are accepted in State and federal Courts. TCS has evaluated hundreds of individuals who have been accused of sexual misconduct, and has a very high success rate in the resolution of these cases. We have helped individuals, families, and communities establish safety plans and policies to assure the safety of the community.

We adhere to all of the NYS mandated reporting requirements. These requirements can be found under Social Service Law 413, and reads, in part:

Mandated reporters are those individuals who must report suspected child abuse or maltreatment. Mandated reporters are only mandated to make a report, or cause a report to be made, when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child coming before them in their professional or official capacity is abused or maltreated, or when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is an abused or maltreated child where the parent, guardian or custodian or the person legally responsible for the child comes before them in their professional or official capacity and states from personal knowledge, facts, conditions, or circumstances which, if correct, would render the child an abused or maltreated child.


Explore Our Wide Gamut of Professional Services

  • Individual therapy for a wide range of sexual issues, and the resulting multi-layered impact of these issues. These issues can include: medical/sexual issues (ED, PE, painful intercourse), sexual abuse, sexual boundary issues, personally unwanted sexual attraction (APA/NASW/NYS/NYC Compliant interventions only), and compulsive sexual behavior.
  • Issues surrounding sexual attraction for individuals under 18 years-old follow applicable NYS and/or NYC guidelines, where therapy is focused exclusively on providing acceptance, support and understanding of patients or the facilitation of patients’ coping, social support and identity exploration and development, including sexual orientation-neutral interventions to prevent or address unlawful conduct or unsafe sexual practices.
  • Individual therapy for pornography and/or sexual addiction (trauma-focused)
  • Individual therapy for trauma and complex trauma
  • Individual therapy for domestic violence
  • Individual therapy for anger management issues
  • Individual therapy for a host of other mental health issues, such as: anxiety, OCD, depression, and ADHD
  • Specialized premarital counseling for victims of sexual abuse and other childhood trauma
  • Specialized consultation for a wide range of mental health concerns
  • Consultation regarding parenting issues
  • Group therapy for adult male survivors of sexual abuse
  • Group therapy for adult female survivors of sexual abuse
  • Group therapy for non-offending parents of children who have been abused
  • Group therapy for trauma and complex trauma
  • Evaluations of sexual offenders
  • Treatment of sexual offenders
  • Group therapy for adult sexual offenders
  • Group therapy for spouses of sexual offenders
  • Group therapy for adolescent sexual offenders
  • Group therapy for parents of children who have sexually offended
  • Community management of sexual offenders (COSA, safety-planning, chaperones)
  • Interaction with criminal justice entities (Court, probation, parole)
  • Evaluation of allegations of sexual misconduct
  • Testimony and assessment for secular Court
  • Expert witness testimony

Our Staff

Dedicated, Responsive, & Successful

Gavriel Fagin, Director

Gavriel Fagin, Ph.D, LCSW holds a degree in both Forensic Psychology and Social Work. Gavriel holds a designation as a Sexual Offender Treatment Specialist (SOTS), and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP). Additionally, he is certified as an Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-T). Gavriel also holds a designation as a Problem Gambling Specialist. Gavriel has both taken and taught many advanced courses on the treatment of sexual abuse survivors, with particular emphasis on Orthodox Jewish male survivors. Gavriel trained in forensic work at the Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward and subsequently at Rikers Island. While at Bellevue, Gavriel trained under Dr. Sanford Drob and Dr. Andrew Shiva. Areas of focus included the objective evaluation of risk, competency issues, criminal culpability, and the treatment of individuals with SPMI (Severe and Persistent Mental Illness) and individuals in AOT (Aggressive Outpatient Treatment). While working at Riker’s Island, Gavriel was responsible for a team of discharge planners. These responsibilities included programmatic oversight, and the evaluation and placement recommendations for both high and low risk inmates.

Gavriel is currently the Director of Tikunim Counseling Services, PLLC (TCS), a for profit organization with offices in Brooklyn, Lakewood, Monsey, and Queens. His clinical focus is the objective evaluation and scientific treatment of sexual deviance, sexual victimization, gambling, religious conflict, and domestic violence. In addition to seeing individual clients, Gavriel supervises a cadre of wonderful clinicians through TCS. Gavriel strives to implement a holistic and evidence-based approach to his treatment plans with an emphasis on integrating his clients’ emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Individuals are treated in a manner that respects the notion that there is a dynamic interplay between the person, his family, his culture, and society at large. Managing conflicts and disappointments is a critical task addressed in the therapeutic process. The qualities that Gavriel strives for, as a therapist, are: professionalism, deep understanding, empathy, emotional support, trust-worthiness, collaboration, flexibility, attentiveness, optimism, and respect. As part of his comprehensive approach to treatment, Gavriel is also dedicated to attending continuing education courses, and staying up to date on current research and most effective treatment approaches. Gavriel is frequently called upon to conduct extensive evaluations and risk determinations regarding allegations of sexual misconduct. High-tech and highly effective evaluation tools, such as personality profiles, tests of sexual interest, and the Penile Plethysmograph (PPG) are utilized to assure the most objective evaluation possible.

Gavriel is a certified Level I and Level II PPG provider, and trained extensively with Dr. Peter Byrne in Salt Lake City, Utah in the use of the PPG for evaluation and treatment purposes. In addition to individual and group treatment, Gavriel also implements community-based programs, both large and small, to address social issues, mental health issues, and issues regarding community safety. Gavriel is a frequent speaker and writer regarding the prevention of sexual abuse, the treatment of male sexual abuse survivors, and the evaluation, treatment, and management of male sexual offenders. Community-based programs have included safety evaluations for synagogues, youth groups, and schools. Additionally, Gavriel has helped to establish several COSA’s (Circles of Support and Accountability) throughout New York and New Jersey. This approach involves the training of 5-7 community volunteers to become a “circle” of people that support the identified client, or “core member.” The purpose of this circle of individuals is to offer non-judgmental advice and serve as responsible parties who fill various safety needs of the core member, under the guidance of the therapist, in order to help the core member integrate safely back into the community. These community volunteers represent the community’s interests while being aware of the individual’s needs. Research shows that this approach has dramatically reduced the rate of recidivism even in high-level offenders. In addition to his therapeutic work, Gavriel is also an Adjunct Professor at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Courses taught include Jewish Social Philosophy and Values and Ethics. Gavriel is proud of the many local and international students that he has been able to teach. Some of them have even become associates in TCS! Gavriel is a Clinical and Research Member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, a member of The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, a member of The National Organization of Forensic Social Workers, and a member of NEFESH. Gavriel enjoys exercise, yoga, martial arts, scuba diving, and other outdoor activities as a way to find balance in life. He also hugely enjoys being a husband, father, son, and brother. Clementines are his favorite fruit, because they are cute and compact.

Yehuda Mandel, LCSW, Associate Director & Clinical Supervisor

Yehuda’s interest in the world of clinical psychotherapy commenced as a young man when he began mentoring adolescent boys struggling with personal, relationship, and religious issues. After working with scores of teens, Yehuda began teaching in a Yeshiva high school servicing boys of different cultural and religious backgrounds. For four years Yehuda taught and counseled teenagers struggling with academic issues, behavior problems, substance abuse, and family dysfunction. In his last year of teaching, Yehuda realized that he would be able to take his skills to the next level by obtaining a graduate degree in clinical social work. After graduating with honors from Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yehuda became involved in a research project analyzing characteristics and personality profiles of sexual offenders as well as male sexual abuse victims in the Orthodox community. After a few months of research, Yehuda began working in Tikunim Counseling Services, working with adolescent and adult males challenged with clinical, relational, sexual, and personality struggles. Yehuda was trained in various classical models of psychotherapy including psychodynamic theory, cognitive behavior therapy, and solution-focused therapy. Additionally, Yehuda was trained and obtained supervision in various trauma-specific treatment models such as TF-CBT and IFS. He also achieved designation by EMDRIA as an EMDR certified therapist. Yehuda incorporates all the aforementioned models into his treatment approach choosing the modalities that respond best to each person’s specific set of challenges and abilities. Yehuda believes that when a person comes into the office, there is often a great deal of shame. There are often experiences that the individual is embarrassed to talk about, fantasies that he is not ready to share, and urges that he is uncomfortable admitting to. It is important for the person to realize that when he enters the therapy room there is no judgment about his character or spiritual level. The fact that he is addressing his concerns is itself a great accomplishment. While much of his work is with individuals, Yehuda also works with families, institutions, and communities to develop appropriate ways to set up safety protocols and to deal with individuals in their midst who have violated sexual boundaries. Yehuda also provides trainings to the staff members in various sleep-away camps regarding appropriate boundaries with campers. In addition, Yehuda supervises talented TCS clinicians, working with them to maximize their effectiveness. In recent years he also began teaching advanced clinical practice courses in his alma mater, Wurzweiler School of Social Work. As a way of rounding out his schedule Yehuda spends time each week teaching young men in Yeshiva Ma’ayan Hatorah. For recreation, Yehuda enjoys spending time outdoors appreciating nature together with family and friends.

Chaim Dovid Prupas, LCSW

Chaim Dovid obtained his Masters of Social Work from Long Island University with a concentration in addictions. He is licensed in New York and New Jersey, and currently divides his time between the Brooklyn and Lakewood offices. Chaim Dovid specializes in teens and adults that struggle with various problematic behaviors and are experiencing difficulties with emotional regulation. He has extensive experience with Anxiety, depression, sexual deviancy, and trauma and works with those who have been sexually victimized as well as perpetrators. Chaim Dovid previously has worked in an intensive outpatient for teens where he provided individual and group psychotherapy services to adolescents diagnosed with attention disorders, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. He also worked in Ocean Mental Health Project Recovery where he worked with adults with co-curing disorders of Mental health and addictions. Over there, he conducted groups as well as individual therapy and received supervision in addictive behaviors as well as using the 12 steps as a tool to facilitate recovery. Chaim Dovid takes a holistic approach when it comes to therapy. He recognizes that there isn’t one factor that contributes to a person’s mental health. Working on trauma, relationships, core beliefs and unhelpful cognitions are all part of the healing process that enables a person to reach their goals. Chaim Dovid uses a multi integrated modalities in therapy, including Existential Therapy, CBT, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Therapy is client based and involves the client recognizing values and goals and working towards them. Chaim Dovid has additionally furthered his expertise by obtaining training and supervision in several areas. This includes Trauma Focused CBT, Trauma Narrative, Attachment theory, as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Chaim Dovid enjoys spending time with his family, learning, playing sports, skiing and the great outdoors.

Meyer Shifrin, MSCC LAC

Meyer Shifrin MSCC LAC is a Passaic resident with 17 years experience empowering young men and adults in a variety of roles. He worked as a Mesivta Rebbe, Bais Medresh Sho’el U’maishiv, and mentor for teens and young men. He lectures to adults, from beginners to Judaism to Yeshiva alumni, on a variety of Torah topics as well. A strong proponent of positive psychology, Meyer Shifrin uses practical and solution-focused techniques to empower his clients to reach their goals with greater awareness of themselves, their emotions and their ability to succeed. His approach is that under the right therapeutic environment, the individual is his own best resource. Meyer has a Masters degree in Clinical Counseling and is trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as well as Mindfulness techniques for trauma-focused healing. He is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for individuals with a Borderline Personality and other Mood disorders.

Yosef Herzig, LMSW

Yosef is a talented, empathic, and dedicated therapist (LMSW) who is passionate about guiding individuals through their personal challenges with a compassionate, client-centered approach. Yosef utilizes a blend of therapeutic modalities primarily drawing from Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Parts Work to offer a tailored experience for each client.

Yosef’s approach is rooted in humanistic principles, emphasizing the importance of understanding each person’s unique experiences and inner world. By creating a safe and supportive environment, Yosef helps clients of all ages and various backgrounds navigate their struggles with safety and authenticity while fostering resilience and growth. His commitment to empathy and collaboration ensures that clients feel valued and understood as individuals throughout their therapy experience.

Yosef obtained his Masters of Social work from Yeshiva University’s Wurzweiler School of Social Work where he received recognition and awards for Academic Achievement and Excellence in Practice. Yosef is a member of the Phi Alpha Honor Society of Social Workers. Yosef enjoys spending time with his family and friends, athletics and reading, and he is always up for a quick game of blitz chess.

Bentzion Gruber, LCSW, CSAT

Bentzion is valued and appreciated for his many talents in helping people reconstruct their lives. Whatever the path, clients learn to not just survive but thrive in their newly empowered lives with his personal involvement and support in every step along the path of recovery. His client-centered approach and empathy resonate with clients of all ages and backgrounds. Trained in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI), Bentzion’s specialties cover the range of issues we face today, with deep experience and demonstrated success in helping people recover from sex and other addictions, sexual abuse, sexual trauma and victimization, and perpetratory behaviors. Bentzion has been working in the field of addiction since 2013, is a NYS Credentialed Alcoholism and Licensed Clinical Worker (LCSW), and is training as a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist at The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals. Previous to Tikunim, Benzion’s experience included successful engagements at drug detox centers, inpatient, and outpatient rehab facilities, including Catholic Charities of Orange County (CCOC), the Turning Point at the Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital of Westchester Medical Center (WMC), and has been personally involved in the recovery of many addicts and their families. He now sees clients in Monsey and in Brooklyn. 

Rivky Deutsch, LMHC

Rivky obtained her Masters in Clinical Counseling from Bellevue University. She’s currently practicing as a licensed Mental Health Counselor in New City, NY.

Rivky is a deeply compassionate person, whose mission is to help individuals navigate challenges and complex life experiences. She guides her clients carefully down to the core of their struggles, while creating a safe and supportive environment, to ultimately achieve healing and rehabilitation. Her goal is to give her clients an opportunity and tools to find healing, to recognize and actualize their full potential, and live a meaningful, emotionally healthy, and fulfilling life.

Rivky has an unwavering dedication to her clients and the mental health field. She works with adults and teens who struggle with symptoms of anxiety, depression, bipolar, childhood trauma, abuse, neglect, and difficulties with relationships.

Rivky has experience working with individuals in a hospital setting, at an organization dealing with mental health crisis, suicidality, addiction, and abuse, as well as at a mental health clinic. This has provided her with the ability to work with diverse populations and ages, various causes of distress, trauma and mental health challenges.

Rivky utilizes a combination of approaches and modalities in accordance to client’s needs, including Internal Family Systems (IFS), Inner Child Work (Pia Melody), ACT, and Narrative Therapy.

Contact Us

We have offices in Brooklyn, Cedarhurst, Lakewood, Monsey, Passaic, and Queens!

We’re here to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our professionals.

Gavriel Fagin Ph.D LCSW, Director:

(917) 257-8626 (voice, text, or whatsapp)

Yehuda Mandel LCSW, Associate Director & Clinical Supervisor:

(646) 824-5967

Chaim Dovid Prupas LCSW:

(732) 668-4436

Meyer Shifrin MSCC LAC:

(973) 855-9607

Yosef Herzig, LMSW:

(732) 347-6536

Benzion Gruber, LCSW, CSAT:

(845) 285-9970

Rivky Deutsch, LMHC:

(845) 202-2907

Mailing Address

420 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Fax: (718) 435-1585